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Procurement notice questions

  • What is the TIS Program?
    The Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program is managed and funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Health and Aged Care’s Preventive Health and Communicable Disease Section (Indigenous Health). The program aims to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by reducing the prevalence of tobacco and recreational e-cigarette use (vaping) through population health promotion activities.
  • What is the National Best Practice Unit Tackling Indigenous Smoking?
    The National Best Practice Unit Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) was established to provide tailored support to organisations funded under the national Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program. The National Best Practice Unit Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) is a consortium led by Ninti One Ltd and includes the Health Research Institute at the University of Canberra and the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet based at Edith Cowan University.
  • What are the National Reach and Priority Projects?
    A component of the TIS program involves Ninti administering funding for the National Reach and Priority Projects (NRPP), which are time-limited projects to support the achievement of the key aims to expand the reach of smoke-free/vape-free programs, increase focus on prevention activities and reduce the prevalence of tobacco use among the three priority groups of remote communities, Indigenous young people and Indigenous pregnant women, their families and women of childbearing age.
  • When will the Request for Quotation (RFQ) for NRPP be released?
    The RFQ is now available here.
  • What information will take precedence?
    Information in the RFQ will take precedence over information in this FAQ. For avoidance of doubt, any information in this FAQ is for advance notification, and cannot be relied upon when responding to the RFQ or eventual contracting.
  • Will the NRPP be delivered as contracts or grants?
    The NRPP will be administered as commercial contracts between Ninti and the supplier. They are not grants. Suppliers will be contracted via commercial contracts, with payments upon achievement of performance milestones.
  • Who is funding these projects?
    The NRPP falls under Tackling Indigenous Smoking, a national Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) program. First Nations-owned business Ninti One Limited is tasked with running a procurement process and the subsequent management of individual NRPP projects, overseen by DoHAC.
  • Who are the target populations for the NRPP?
    The NRPP is focused on achieving better health outcomes for Indigenous people in the following five areas only: Two thematic areas of (1) expanding the reach of the TIS program, to increases exposure of First Nations peoples to smoke-free and vape-free messaging and/or activities, particularly across one or more IREGs with <80% TIS coverage – see below for list of regions), and/or (2) increasing the focus on preventative population health activities, to support the development, promotion and/or implementation of smoking and vaping prevention resources and/or activities across multiple IREGs, and/or Three priority groups (3) young Indigenous people (youth) across all IREGs, to support and improve First Nations youths understanding of the harms of vaping and smoking, to prevent and reduce uptake across multiple IREGs/communities, and/or (4) communities in remote and very remote Australia as defined by the ABS, to increase exposure of First Nations people to smoke-free and vape-free messaging and/or activities, particularly in IREGs with Indigenous smoking rates >44% – see below for list of regions) and/or (5) Indigenous pregnant women, their families and women of childbearing age – to increasing their exposure to smoke free and vape free messaging and/or activities, particularly in IREGs with Indigenous smoking during pregnancy rates >44% – see below for list of regions).
  • Which regions will be prioritised for funding?
  • How will the funds be allocated?
    The DoHAC has commissioned Ninti to run a procurement process via a Request for Quotation (RFQ) process. Ninti will contract suppliers by using the most up-to-date procurement guides and rules of the Commonwealth government. This means that Ninti will use the Department of Finance (DOF)’s Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs), the Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines (CGRGs), and other DOF tools such as the Australian Government Contract Management Guide.
  • Is the funding for large or small projects?
    Larger projects are preferred, as opposed to a range of numerous small projects.
  • How much money is available for the NRPP?
    As of 01 Jan 2024, over $8 million (excl GST) will be available for the NRPP. Projects fall into 2 categories: Category 1: $1 million and under, over one or more years, up to May 2027. Category 2: $300,000 and under, over one or more years, up to May 2027.
  • What is the scope of work to be contracted?
    The RFQ will invite suppliers to propose activities within the requirements described in this FAQ. The RFQ will request suppliers to design the activities, and to propose performance-based KPIs that will be used as a basis to negotiate value-for-money milestone payments.
  • What is the length of projects, and when do contacts end?
    Tenderers can propose services to be contracted for any duration, however all contracts must end by June 2027.
  • Can I apply for more than one funding category?
    Yes, suppliers have the opportunity to submit tenders for multiple project funds across the 5 target audience areas, providing them with the flexibility to engage multiple projects simultaneously. For example, the supplier XYZ can apply for: $1 million – project targeting youth, plus, a separate $1 million – project targeting remote communities, plus, a separate $1 million – project targeting pregnant women and their families and women of child-bearing age, plus a separate $300,000 – complementary project targeting youth. Total funds applied for: $3,300,000.
  • How will the funds be managed for the life of the project?
    Each supplier will enter into a contract agreement with Ninti which will outline payments on the delivery of agreed performance milestones.
  • What is a valid project?
    Suppliers will propose well designed projects that improve the understanding of the harms of vaping and the benefits of being smoke- and vape-free, to prevent and reduce uptake, in the target populations. The supplier will demonstrate that projects and activities will: Be delivered with a preventive population health approach. Expand the reach (e.g., to be national or cross-jurisdictional) of the TIS program by increasing exposure to smoke-free and vape-free messaging and/or activities. Directly relate to the objectives of the TIS program.
  • Can you list some examples of eligible projects?
    The following are examples of (and are not the limit of) eligible projects that provide national or cross-regional reach: tailored smoking cessation and vaping awareness raising campaigns (e.g., mainstream and social media) to raise awareness of benefits of smoke and vape-free pregnancy with national or cross-jurisdictional reach partnerships with departments of sports and recreation for state- and/or territory-wide smoke- and vape-free venues/carnivals national reach via state and territory co-funded projects e.g., environmental health national youth anti-vaping awareness campaign(s) mobile applications State- and territory-wide or cross-regional expanded partnerships on smoke-free and vape-free policies in workplaces and other settings expanded reach via sporting events/carnivals and environmental health projects the development, promotion and/or implementation of smoking and vaping prevention measures online resources and/or activities community education and engagement (training, social activities and events) creating smoke-free settings (workplaces, cars, homes, sporting and community events) mass media/social media campaigns (social media, television, radio, print media) promotional resources (posters, pamphlets, smoke-free and vape-free signage). All projects must be delivered with a population health approach, and directly relate to the outcomes of the TIS program.
  • What is not a valid project?
    Suppliers must demonstrate that they are complementing and not duplicating activities that are already funded under other elements of the TIS program, especially the grants that are provided for regional TIS teams (Regional Tobacco Control Grants). For more detail on these activities, please see the Department of Health and Aged Care Tackling Indigenous Smoking web page.
  • Will research be funded through the NRPP?
    No, since the Australian government is investing elsewhere in research centred on tobacco use and vaping, research projects will not be funded through this program.
  • What activities and projects are not included in the NRPP?
    Items that will not be included in NRPP projects include: Sporting team sponsorships Purchase of land Major capital expenditure including vehicle purchase, major construction, capital works and temporary buildings Costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this RFQ or related documentation Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs) or other smoking cessation products or services Direct or indirect delivery of smoking cessation services International travel Activities for which other Commonwealth, state, territory, or local government bodies have primary responsibility, including smoking cessation supports in correctional settings Activities not directly related to the TIS program.
  • How will contracting decisions be made?
    Suppliers will be asked to submit tenders according to an RFQ, following value-for-money guidelines of the Department of Finance. Ninti will ensure that suppliers are financially viable, culturally competent and that the proposals complement and do not duplicate the work of any of the other existing elements of the TIS program. The Department of Health and Aged Care will have final authority of approval for supplier projects and activities based on the recommendation provided by Ninti.
  • Will incomplete submissions be assessed?
    Ninti may at any time exclude a supplier from further consideration if: the tender is incomplete or contains insufficient information to allow evaluation of the tender; prices are not clearly and legibly stated; the supplier does not comply with the request for tender; the supplier is not fully capable of undertaking a contract in the form of the draft contract; the supplier is rated unsuitable or unsatisfactory against one or more of the Evaluation Criteria; the supplier’s tender contains statements that qualify or are contrary to the request for tender: in Ninti’s opinion that the supplier’s tender contains a false declaration; the supplier contains false or misleading information or statements; the supplier, or a director or officer of the supplier, is insolvent or bankrupt; the supplier has an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest that cannot be managed to the satisfaction of the DoHAC acting in its absolute discretion; or there has been a significant deficiency in the performance of a substantive requirement or obligation under a prior agreement.
  • Our organisation is already funded through the TIS program. Can we submit a tender for more funding?
    Yes. However, the activities that RTCGs currently provide will not be provided again through the NRPP.
  • Can non-Indigenous organisations apply?
    Yes, however Indigenous-led suppliers and suppliers with strong Indigenous partnerships and Indigenous staffing are encouraged to submit proposals for the NRPP.
  • NRPP funding requires a population health approach. Can my organisation submit a tender if we are a primary healthcare service?
    Yes, as long as the proposed project is based on population health principles.
  • Can we apply for this federal government funding source if we already receive state government funding?
    Yes, as long as there is no duplication of work.
  • Can I deliver projects in areas where my organisation doesn’t have a base?
    Yes, if you can demonstrate that your organisation can adequately service the NRPP for that area.
  • Can I sub-contract?
    Yes, you can sub-contract, and work in consortia.
  • How will performance be monitored throughout the life of the contract?
    Performance-based milestone payments will be established in a contract between Ninti and the supplier, as a result of the RFQ procurement process. Contract management and monitoring may also include: Scheduling regular progress meetings to ensure contractual obligations are being met. Performing regular site visits or other monitoring visits regularly as required. Ensuring that all conditions and clauses in the contract are delivered in the required timeframes. Taking appropriate actions such as correcting areas of underperformance or amending requirements to meet changing needs. Collecting accurate and timely data in relation to the contractor’s performance. Keeping adequate and accurate documentation in relation to all aspects of the monitoring phase. Projects of over six months duration will be required to provide succinct quarterly progress reports, including financial reports. Projects may be subject to evaluation. The scope and frequency of meetings to review grant/contract performance and progress will vary depending on the complexity of the project.
  • What contract closure activities will be expected?
    Contract closure activities will include: Verifying all work has been completed and all deliverables have been received and accepted. Obtaining all final reports, documentation and other relevant information. Confirming all invoices have been received. Advising relevant parties that the contract has been finalised. Documenting and considering lessons learnt to improve future procurement and contract management processes. Conducting a final contract review with the supplier.
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